Virginia Casajuana


Virginia Casajuana has run Casajuana Abogados since its foundation in 2001. With a Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, she completed her academic preparation at the Comillas Pontifical University, New York University (NYU, USA), the University of London (Grey’s Inn, UK) and the University of Strasbourg (France).

Before setting up Casajuana Abogados, she worked at Interlawyers (Madrid); Kramer, Burns, Mytelka Lovell & Kulka (New Jersey, USA); and Callan & Waterbury (New York, USA).

Her specialty areas include Civil Law, Commercial Law, Criminal Law-Economic and Planning. She has a track record of over 25 years’ in these areas, working in Spanish, English and French, at Courts of First Instance, Provincial Courts, the National Criminal and Administrative Court and the Supreme Court.

Specialised training:

  • Expert in planning and property development (60 hours). Madrid Bar Association, ICAM (2017).
  • Administration’s Failure to Act. Madrid Bar Association (February 2017).
  • New features in the Code of Administrative Procedure (Act 39/15) and Public Sector Legal System Act (Act 40/15) (July 2016).
  • Planning Law. Spanish Association of Planning Lawyers (July 2016).
  • Administrative Silence (implied opposition/non-opposition) and the execution of non-appealable acts, interim measures and judicial review of administrative decisions (June 2016).
  • Diploma in Insolvency Administration and Insolvency, Commercial and Civil Mediation (260 hours). Villanueva University Centre, Madrid.  Institute of Insolvency Law Foundation (June 2014).
  • Accounting for Lawyers. IECE, Business Institute of Accounting and Economics (2005).
  • The new Insolvency Act. Madrid Bar Association (October 2003).
  • Due Diligence for Business Acquisitions. Madrid Bar Association (June 2002).
  • Diploma in Company Law (April-May 2001), given by the GARRIGUES Study Centre through the Madrid Bar Association.
  • Course on the new Code of Civil Procedure. Madrid Bar Association (March 2001).
  • Jury Act. Madrid Bar Association (April 1996).
  • Amendment of the Limited Liability Act. Madrid Bar Association (April 1995).
  • Senior Executive Liability. Institute of International Research (June 1994).
  • The Inc. Corporation and the responsability of their leadership. Encomy and Law Research Center. (May, 1994).
  • Course on Legal Practice at the Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE), Madrid (October 1986-June 1987).

Courses abroad:

  • Constitutional American Law. New School University (September-December 2000), New York (USA).
  • Business Law. New York University (NYU) (September-November 2000), New York (USA).
  • Scholarship awarded by McGeorge School of Law of Sacramento, California, obtained in selection process by the Madrid Bar Association. Course run at Grey’s Inn, University of London, on International Business and Commercial Law and European Community Law (Summer Programme 1994).
  • Scholarship awarded by International Faculty of Comparative Law, University of Strasbourg, France, to study Comparative Law in Trento, Italy (Summer Programme 1986).


  • Course on the Liability of Legal Experts within Legal Proceedings, organised by Revista de Derecho Urbanístico [Planning Law Journal] in several Spanish cities (Burgos, Zaragoza, Córdoba, Lugo, Santander).
  • Collaboration in the preparation of conferences offered by INTERLAWYERS on Senior Executive Liability, organised by the Institute of International Research.

Virginia Casajuana comes from a family of lawyers and pays special tribute to her father, José Luis Casajuana Encina, on whom she modelled herself.

Virginia Casajuana, collecting her Diploma of 25 years of professional exercise hand of the Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid.

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